WildWOODLAND WOrkshop:
Making recycled paper
A practical guide of how to make hand made paper at home!
For more information on who we are and what we offer, click this link to our website:
I am a Designer / Maker / Facilitator / life long learner / teacher and I have been creating and fixing things since my childhood – it’s part of who I am!
I have studied and practised Art, Design, Craft and Manufacturing in many different guises over the years, starting with a Foundation course and then a degree in Fashion Design at the London College of Fashion, with the intention of becoming a wedding dress designer! As life does, it took me on a different creative path and I decided to combine my passion for designing and making with my enjoyment of sharing knowledge and skills…so I trained to be a Teacher – specialising in Design & Technology. Perfect!
I love teaching and through it, have had many opportunities to experiment and develop my skills and creativity! I set up Wild Woodland Workshops as a way of expanding my passion to share not only knowledge and skills but the well being benefits of spending time in creative pursuits and time in nature - the combination is really something deeply satisfying and not just for children but for us grown ups too!
My love of nature includes a real desire to live sustainably and in tune with the natural eb and flow of the seasons, to use what we need, avoiding waste, mass production and factory farming and so on…and trying to strike balance in every area of my life…not always possible these days but it’s always worth a try! So the products I make are often upcycled or repurposed materials and objects destined for landfill. I love to experiment with unusual combinations of materials and using traditional and modern methods, tools and techniques, making things with both a pleasing form and a useful function.